Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Change a:link & a:hover for a Div Alone (CSS)

How do you change a:link & a:hover for a stand alone div in a style sheet? Last week I ran across this exact issue and had to think about for a bit to solve it.  Since that was the case, I thought I would blog about it to help anyone else with this issue.


* Normal Links
a, a:visited {text-decoration: none; color: red;}

* Div only link effects
div.greenclassname a:link {  color: green; text-decoration: underline;}
div.greenclassname a:hover {  color: green; text-decoration: none; }
div.greenclassname a:visited {  color: green; text-decoration: underline;}


<a href="#link">Normal link</a><br />

<div class="greenclassname">
      <a href="#link">Green link</a>

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Shop Local Challenge

Today I wanted to take upon myself a personal challenge.  I wanted to challenge myself to shop local for at least one meal.  So with that said, I ventured down to my local Farmers Market in downtown Winchester, KY while visiting my home here in the states. Although it wasn't my first trip to visit the farmers market, but it was my first time to visit at their new location. They now have a new home located across from the parking lot of IGA in the heart of Winchester on Main Street just a little bit up from the Post Office.  This new location is convenient and provides a lot of room for future growth.

The information below is taken directly from my Yelp review for the Winchester Farmers Market. I hope after reading it, you try at least once to shop local or visit your local farmers market in an attempt to make one meal that is entirely local.  I think that is what most refer to as "Farm-to-table" if you will. Farm-to-table  refers to a movement concerned with producing food locally and delivering that food to local consumers. What better way to practice this than to go to your local farmers markets and roadside stands.  Get to know the people that make your food.  Talk to the people that grow your crops.  See the faces behind the produce that feeds you and your families.  Keep their dreams alive.  Challenge yourself and your friends to shop local at least once.  See what you think of it.  Go a day without popping into your local big box store and buying something shipped in from who knows where.  I bet you will like it.  Take the challenge.  If you do, let me know how it goes by posting here or emailing me  I am by no means asking you to dump a bucket of cold ass water on your head or give money to a charity or take naked selfies for awareness for some random cause.  Just asking you to get out and try to buy an item or two locally.  What will it hurt?  Talk to the person that made that item possible.  Shake their hand and thank them for their hard work and determination.  They deserve it.

****Start My Yelp Review****

I love to shop local and buy local products as often as I can, that is why I love it when the Winchester Farmers Market is in season. I opted out of shopping at the big name box store today and bought everything local right here at the Farmers Market. All of these fine venders are KY Proud and some are even 100% Organic. Very impressive group of folks and so friendly.

The new Winchester Farmers Market is located across from the parking lot of IGA in the heart of Winchester on Main Street just a little bit up from the Post Office.

Here you can buy handmade baskets so you can carry all the items you purchase. They have locally made soaps, lotions and shampoo from The Soapery ( You can get fresh local produce or buy plants you can put in your own garden. The local green houses are well represented here such as Bushels & Pecks (859-771-5398), My Father's Garden (, Beech Springs Garden Barn (, and Sycamore Spring Farm just to name a few.

If you are more interested in heat, Back Porch Hot Sauce (859-744-7606) can spice up any meal with their homemade sauces. Grab you a cup of coffee or ice brew from Creative Coffees ( locally owned/operated and roasted just a mile or so up the street. If coffee isn't your thing, stop in and see Andy Hammon of Hamon Haven Winery (859-745-4161) I am sure his wines will be to your liking if you are 21 or older of course. There was also Reese Farms selling their tasty relishes that you can even sample. Reese Farms also had fresh sausage, bacon, and pork chops. Gosh I can't say no to a good pork product. YUMM!

So if you are in the area on Saturday 8 - 12 or Tues 4 - 6 during season, stop on in adn see these fine folks. Support your local farmers and artisans. Make Kentucky Proud. We need more people like this to keep making this world a better place.

****End My Yelp Review****

The following pictures are also taken from my review.  See the faces behind the products that you are more than likely already using or buying.
Back Porch Hot Sauce 
selling their spicy sauces.
Beech Springs Farm Market selling
their great produce. 

Hamon Haven Winery
 selling their great local wines.
Creative Coffees selling locally roasted
 coffees and iced coffee.
Sycamore Spring Farm
lovely flowers. 
Sycamore Spring Farm a
 Barnes Family Farm 
Home made soap smell fills
 the air from The Soapery.
Reece Farms selling their tasty relishes.
Hand made lotions from
The Soapery felt like silk.

My Father's Garden a local
 organic greenhouse. 
Bushel & Pecks Greenhouse selling
their locally grown plants.  
Handmade baskets

Reece Farms selling
fresh sausage and bacon.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Random Splash Screen Tutorial (ASP)

This will use the following:
Classic ASP / JQuery / CSS

I ran across an issue with a client recently. They were in need of a Pop-up Screen for their new asp website I had created for them and wanted the image to be random.  Since Pop-ups Screens are a bit faux pas and irritating to most people, I figured that a Splash Screen would do the trick. This way they get the big picture they have in mind, but then can be quickly dismissed with a scroll or a click. A Splash Screen is like an Intro Picture before the actual site.  It can be really tasteful if done properly. This is why I started searching the web for some tasteful examples that would please the client and my aesthetic.

I found many examples and all were PHP for the most part, but nothing ASP.  Then finally I found one that was written in HTML.  This is when I did a lot of Copy/Paste and Trial and Error.  I took the HTML coding that I found and added a Randomizer variable to pull any image between 1 and 8. Thus, turning the page into an ASP...Then Voila.  I hope you enjoy.
Example of a Splash Screen

Note: The images included in the file are ones that I took while in Angeles City, Philippines.

Click here to find a working Demo.
Or Click here to download from GitHub
Or bitBucket

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Symbol Entities Supported By HTML/XML

There are many symbols whether it be mathmatic, currency, foreign, or techy that you wish to use at times are not represented on a keyboard. In some cases, you can just copy/paste it from another document, but there is correct way and an easier way. To get these funky symbols into your html page, use html entity name or use an entity number which is a decimal or hexadecimal reference.

A few people have been asking me how to get a ™ aka TradeMark Symbol or a © aka CopyRight Symbol to appear on a web page without having to add an image or trying to copy/paste it into the code. The code below shows a few ways to add it to your pages.

©&#169;&copy;CopyRight Symbol
®&#174;&reg;Registered Sign
&#8482;&trade;TradeMark Symbol
÷&#247;&divide;Division Symbol

Wikipedia provides us with a complete list here of html/xml character entity references

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